Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California



5 Ways to Improve Your Business

Let me be the first to tell you CONGRATULATIONS on surviving this chaotic season of life, and your photography business. You did it! Believe me, you deserve to rest and rejuvenate during “slow season”. But if you’re like me, and you can only relax for so long, I want to provide you with 5 Ways to Improve Your Business during slow season. Let’s get into it.

5 Ways to Improve Your Business

1. Update Your Website (or create one!)

Think of your website as a firm handshake to your clients. You want to provide your clients with information and resources without them having to ask for it. Beyond these two easy things to keep in mind, there are 3 things to remember when creating or improving your website.

  • Above the fold (on the homepage, before you scroll down), there should be the 3 W’s. Who you are, who you serve, and where you’re located. Potential clients shouldn’t have to message you to ask where you’re located or what kind of photography you do.
  • Capture the attention of your target audience. Your website isn’t necessarily about you – it’s about the clients you serve.
  • Answer people’s questions before they have a chance to ask one.

2. Update Your Workflow (or create one!)

I generally update my workflow once a year (or more, as needed). I have found that my voice changes as I grow and scale as a photographer. Use this time as an opportunity to update questionnaires, email templates, deliverables. You’ll thank yourself come busy season that you have all of your information up to date.

3. Invest in Your Education

No matter where you are in your journey as a photographer, continuing your education is always a good idea. There are plenty of free resources available to photographers – YouTube videos and blogs are a great place to start. Join a virtual or in-person workshop. Invest in a 1:1 mentorship with a photographer that inspires you. Never stop learning, my sweet friends. There are so many resources out there to help you grow.

4. Write Down Your Goals

Don’t sleep on this one (even if it sounds cliché). I am a huge believer in the power of manifesting & making it happen! For example, maybe your goal is to book 10 weddings in the coming year. Write it down! Then, start making it happen. How are you going to get from Point A to Point B?

5. Prepare and Plan for the Year Ahead

As soon as you have your goals in place, start planning and batching your social media content to help you make strides towards your goals. Once you start planning out your content 1 month in advance, you’ll be amazed by the relief you feel knowing you don’t need to scramble to get content ready. Typically, I like to dedicate 1 full day for social media batching (blog ideas, Reels, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.).

Once you’re done relaxing, soaking up family time, and doing some much-needed self care for awhile… these 5 Ways to Improve Your Business will ensure that you have all the systems in place to help you THRIVE in 2022.

What do you plan to work on during “slow season”? Let me know in the comments!

Looking for more photography resources? Head over to my past blogs. And hey, while you’re at it, let’s be friends on Instagram (@morganelizabethphotos).

Xx, Morgan

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