Let’s talk about first looks! If you and your honey are still up in the air about whether or not to have a first look, have no fear. I’ve put together a sweet little list of 3 Alternatives to a First Look. As a full-time wedding photographer, I have seen my fair share of first looks, traditional “first looks” in the ceremony, and everything in between. Whatever you decide, my biggest piece of advice is to do what feels right for you. Lets’ get into it!
1. Private vows
One of my favorites! If you are nervous about spilling your heart in front of hundreds of your family and friends, this can be a great, intimate option for you two. You can stand back-to-back or face each other while holding hands and speak from the heart. When it comes to the ceremony, you can say a variation of your private vows, or say traditional vows; whatever feels most comfortable!

2. First touch
I love this option! You and your spouse can stand back-to-back, or around a door/corner from each other and simply hold hands and talk. If you choose to not have a first look, you most likely won’t see or talk to your spouse until the ceremony. A first touch can help calm some nerves and give you a few moments of peace and quiet together before jumping into the rest of your day. Such a sweet alternative.

3. Private letters
If you want everyone (including your photographer) to sob on your wedding day, write letters to each other before the ceremony and read them privately. This allows you to step away from chaos the morning of your wedding day and take a deep breath with your person. This is intimate like the vow option, but often includes more inside jokes and can be a real tear-jerker.

There we have it, friend! 3 Alternatives to a First Look. Once again, do what feels right for you and your honey! If you’re also in the market for some Wedding Day Exit Tips, click here. As always, be sure to follow me over on Instagram (@morganelizabethphotos) for behind-the-scenes and even more Wedding Tips!