Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California



How to avoid getting ghosted

If you’re a fellow photographer or even a small biz owner, you know how frustrating it feels to get ghosted. I bet you’ve even found yourself wondering how to avoid getting ghosted. 🙃 If you’re not familiar with the term: ghosting is when a potential client reaches out to you (whether via email, your contact form, or even IG).

You send that potential client tons of information, your pricing guide, etc. But then… you never hear back from them. Maybe you send a follow-up email to check in. All you hear back is 🦗 crickets 🦗.And that, my friend, is what we call “ghosting”. 

And that’s also where I come in. I want to share my secret of how to never get ghosted again. My friend, Sarah (, and I created an email template for YOU to connect with prospective clients to see where they’re at throughout their wedding planning process. For FREE.

Because let’s face it: wedding planning is stressful.

99% of the time, you are not being ghosted intentionally. Both Sarah and I are past brides, so we know how overwhelming it can be to keep up with emails. And sometimes, emails get directed to the Spam folder. So, don’t take it personally if you haven’t heard from someone. 

Sarah and I have been using this ✨magic ✨ email template for years in both of our businesses.

It’s a very rare occurrence that we get ghosted. Our email template helps give those potential clients an extra push to connect with you. 

Sound like this is right up your alley? Click here to CLAIM YOUR FREEBIE and learn how to avoid getting ghosted. 🤩✨🙌🏻

Additional Resources

Be the first to know when other freebies are dropped by following me over on Instagram (@morganelizabethphotos). If you’re searching for even more resources for photographers, they are available here.

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